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The 3-Step Formula to Securing Your Home Using Affordable Tools

Friday,  July 25th

@ 5:00PM PST,  8:00PM EST

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Warning: Our webinars always fill up fast so be sure to show up on time so you ensure you secure your space and don't miss any of this valuable training.

What people are saying about Designer Mastery

"Amazing training, thank you!"
Silvia Strong

"My property is nice and secure."
Brendan Peters

"Amazing training. Thank you!"
Ariel Browning

What You'll Learn on the Live Web Class

My step-by-step framework for securing your home and other properties using affordable tools, from scratch, with no previous experience.
The 7 deadly mistakes you MUST avoid when starting to secure your property (this can cost you $$$ in stolen property if you get it wrong).
My secret resources for finding the best tools to dramatically increase the security of your property and belongings.
With my simple security formula you can rapidly start securing your property and belongings and have peace of mind. 
The unique method you can use to get almost unlimited security to any property. Use this for your own property for maximum results!

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